What a Machine Can Teach Us About Being Human

March 4, 2023

Last week I made a LinkedIn post asking my connections to weigh on on which skill matters most to them in their work emotional intelligence, empathy, resilience, or self-awareness.

This question was designed to get a conversation started around the "order of operations" or if there is one. What was fascinating to me was that way different participants answered. Some seemed to think I was asking them to tell me the "right" answer (there is none). Others missed the "to you in your work" portion and cited studies. I was curious to see if AI could improve on the human anwers to a human question.

The question is phrased in a different format for AI (since the "to you in your work" would not make sense). Here's the reply:

There is no one answer to this question, as the importance of different skills can vary depending on the specific job and work environment. However, research has consistently shown that emotional intelligence (EI) and self-awareness are crucial for success in the workplace.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and understand emotions in oneself and others, and to use this awareness to manage one's own emotions and relationships effectively. It has been linked to a wide range of positive outcomes in the workplace, including better communication, teamwork, and leadership skills.

Self-awareness, or the ability to accurately recognize one's own emotions and thoughts and how they influence behavior, is also important for success at work. People who are self-aware are better able to understand their own strengths and weaknesses, and to adapt their behavior in order to achieve their goals.

Resilience, or the ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges, is also an important skill in the workplace. People who are resilient are better able to handle stress and adversity, and are more likely to stay motivated and focused in the face of challenges.

Empathy, or the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, can also be an important skill at work, especially in roles that involve working with people or interacting with customers. People who are empathetic are often better at building rapport and trust, and are more likely to be perceived as approachable and likable.

Overall, it is important for individuals to develop a range of skills in order to be successful at work, and the specific skills that are most important can vary depending on the specific job and work environment.

This reply interested me but I needed to refine my query to get to the heart of my question so I added:

In terms of an optimal order for training employees across these four aspects of human flourishing, it may be beneficial to first focus on developing self-awareness and emotional intelligence, as these skills can serve as a foundation for the other areas. Once individuals have a strong understanding of their own emotions and how they influence their behavior, they can work on developing empathy and resilience. This approach allows employees to build a strong foundation for personal and professional growth, and to better navigate the challenges and opportunities that they may encounter in the workplace.

What do you think? Is a machine helpful in assisting human flourishing?

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