Read, Watch, Listen

March 4, 2023

Always learning is a descriptor I often use when asked to describe myself. People often ask what I'm learning. Here's what I have been looking at this week...

The One You Feed ...Listen

I love this podcast and if you haven't heard the tale of the two wolves, it's a great lens to start a dialogue. This one really speaks to me as it's all about habits and questions, 2 things I love.

Tai Lopez...Ted Talk

You can learn something from everyone. I had to open my mind after I heard Tai Lopez on The School of Greatness. I initially thought the only greatness he had was great big ego, however, he has a point in this talk. I'm glad to say I opened my mind to this guy, but I still wouldn't want to have dinner with him.

Check it out here

Reading- Mindset, The New Psychology of Successby Carol Dweck

I've read this before, and I needed a refresher. Love this lady!

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