"Education is What's Left When They Forget Everything You Taught Them"

March 4, 2023

I wish these were my words. They came from Mark Turner, the new head of my sons' school. They are the words that convinced me he is awesome.He was talking to parents at our school and explaining that after students have forgotten the history of Canadian pioneers and the Pythagorean theorem, the lessons we sometimes call soft skills will be what remains. These are the parts of education that are truly important to a student's success and happiness.This lesson was reinforced when we held a research event on campus at Geelong Grammar School that included 2 current grade 12 students and 2 students in their 3rd year of university. When asked about their experience of Positive Education classes at the school all four agreed that despite moments of resistance (that included eye-rolls and groans about gratitude letters and mindfulness) they all use what they learned in "Pos Ed class" every single day.[embed]https://youtu.be/FvVSaw0bXxA[/embed]One of the great challenges in the field of Positive Education is telling people what it is in a simple sentence. I often find myself saying "it's difficult to define and easy to do". This video from my colleagues at Flourish Dx is a really good beginning! It talks about empowering people to be mentally healthy. "Beacuse mentally healthy workplaces work better" Take a peek...

[video width="1280" height="720" mp4="https://positivemindsinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/flourish-dx.mp4"][/video]

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